Jan 12, 2010

Ellen Degeneres American Idol Judge

Ellen Degeneres American Idol judge first episode aired tonight – but without Ellen.  Ellen Degeneres replaces Paula Abdul as American Idol hostess.  Ellen stated on her talk show that if Simon Cowell left, she’d leave too.  EllenDeGeneres Of course, this was a tongue-in-cheek assessment – little did she know that Simon Cowell was planning his departure from the show.

It will be hard to replace Paula Abdul’s loopy ways, but Ellen Degeneres is a suitable replacement.  She’s a funny lady and I can see how she would clash with Simon Cowell.

So here we are at season 9 of American Idol – the show that has brought us stars such as Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, and Adam Lambert.  The show is something that many people look forward too, and this season is very bittersweet.  Yes, we get to see our favorite show, but without Paula and knowing that Simon is on the way out.

That being said, maybe Ellen Degeneres will grab the torch and bring American Idol to a new level.

So where was Ellen Degeneres during American Idol? Tonight’s show and tomorrow’s show are pre-recorded audition episodes. Ellen won’t show up on the show until the show starts airing live episodes- which is personally my favorite part of the whole experience.


Vegaia January 13, 2010 at 4:48 PM  

Here's why Ellen DeGeneres turned vegan! Check out this informative and inspiring video.

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