Feb 25, 2010

Cr Johnson

Cr Johnson was a famous American skiing and was expert in freestyle and freeride.Cr Johnson was born on 8th October 1983 in California. He was a born star as he started skiing in very small age. He used to do skiing on his home mountains.Cr-Johnson His parents and family knew that he will do some wonder when grew up.

Cr Johnson was the most respected skier in the world. He was very nice in nature. He got many medals and prize in different competitions. He made the record of doing 1440.He was expert in doing three sixty degree ( 360 ) spins and he did this on the mountains which were in front of his house.

A very tragic accident of his life happened in Utah in 2005 in a resort named Brighton. An other skier accidentally landed on him and due to this accident Cr Johnson gone through a serious trauma of brain surgery. Due to this tragic accident he had gone into a coma which lasted for ten days.

Due to this dreadful accident he could not do the very basic activities like talking and swallowing. His life has changed and had taken a very serious turn. He had to learn skiing again as he forgot how to ski.Cr Johnson a big name in skiing who has got the award of best skiing in the whole world twice now have to learn ski again this news made his fans very sad.

On 24th February 2010 another accident happened which has taken his life. He died in this accident by hitting his head and neck to the rocks when he slipped doing skiing. His death is a big loss to the world of skiing.


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