Feb 8, 2010

Tenley s Ex Husband

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Tenley Molzahn, age 25 years. Tenley has portrayed the girl as “good” on the show. But 25-year-old only recently still seems divorced and suffered from it. Jake said everything about how her ex-husband cheated on her, and wounded still seems that there are (according to us, Molzahn ’s divorce was finalized just last year). Tenley biggest problem is probably it may be a need to take things slowly, and probably no where near ready for marriage any time soon. If Jake is it, then there could be a deal breaker.

Ali Fedotosky, at the age of 25 – Ali is probably closer to marriage material that may be Jake. It does not seem to have any real skeletons in her closet either. But producers and BA were designed to be catty and, frankly, unlikeable. Ali and is usually seen insulting fellow cast mate Vienna Gerardi. In fact, her contempt Girradi is the main theme on the show, making dates with Jake appears to be simply an afterthought. Which is a shame, because Ali was the early favorite.

Allemand Jia, 26 years. Swimsuit model Gia and racy photo shoot for Maxim has already been all over the Internet. Clearly looking for fame, and it seems that the Armed Islamic Group, such as Jake, but most fans do not think they want to settle in Texas to be his wife. According to us, Gia has already had a boyfriend a few months, including the former New York Yankees pitcher Carl Pavano and Chris Campoli of the members of the Senate and Ottawa. Let’s face it, the girl is not hurting for dates and Gia career seems to be the main thing it wants now.

Vienna Gerardi, 23. Vienna Gerardi has been this season, the most hated single, so it is not surprising that her (many) of the skeletons had come down out of the closet? While it was in advance with Jake about her failed marriage at the age of adolescence, her story is a tad different from her ex-husband says about 10 union this month.

Jake – maybe Shannon Bear of the season 13 is still available!


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