Feb 3, 2010

Laura Izibor

Laura Izibor

Image by infomatique via Flickr

Laura Izibor the new face of Irish music. Born in 1987 the Irish native has something that differs her from other R&B, Soul and pop singers. Laura Izibor won her first music competition “RTÉ 2fm” when she was in just secondary school. Laura Izibor went on to win the Meteor Music Awards in 2006 and gave a stunning performance in the Electric Picnic music festival in the same year, while appearing in the Music Ireland festival in the following year.

Laura Izibor released her debut album with the name “Lets the Truth be Told” last year. She is a stunning performer and her voice somewhat unique from other new singers out there.

Laura Izibor is the fourth of her five siblings, after her parent’s separation, she was brought up by her mother alone. Laura Izibor is the victim of racial discrimination as a child and face a hard time while

studying in school. Laura Izibor discovered her passion and love for music before reaching the teenage and began writing songs at the age of just 13. She has won her first ever music competition of RTE 2fm at the age of just 15 and received a constant airplay by the radio station for her song “Compatible”. Laura Izibor also has the privilege to be filmed by RTE (a documentary on her life) after she won the competition.

According to recent news she will be appearing at SOB’s in N.Y on the 24th of this month at 08:00 P.M.


Rachel February 17, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

Did you see her new "Don't forget Haiti" video? Check it out here!!!!

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