Miracle on the Hudson
Miracle on the Hudson
In the year 2009 on 15th of January a very serious accident was about to happen but one man’s bravery and self-control saved the lives of many. This accident could have resulted in taking many lives. This happened with a plane whose pilot was Capt.Sullenberger. The plane on its way was stuck by a gather of geese. The plane had on board 155 passengers along with the crew. Sullen Berger landed the plane into the river Hudson preventing its crash on a densely populated area. This incident is known as the Miracle on the Hudson not even a single passenger on the plane died.
Captain Sullenberger is the sole cause of the Miracle on the Hudson. He was a retired air force pilot and a commercial pilot for quiet some time. Upon asking Sullenberg said that for him his whole life seems to be a preparation for this incident, it is a miracle in the real sense of the word to be able to keep ones
nerves intact and save so many lives by landing on a river rather than a densely populated area.
After one year of the Miracle on the Hudson the passengers who had formed a close association after the happening reunited in a reunion on CBS 60 secs. All the passengers on the plane came and remembered that life saving miracle. Capt of the plane is now known as a hero and people still appreciate him and like him due to what he did. It is really a miracle, a pilot who saved the lives of so many people, will be remembered by the generations to come.
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